About Us


About Us

Gender Links Platform was found 2020 and established in 2021 to inspire and connect
marginalized women and girls – create an environment where women and girls can come
together to share experiences, harness their skills, draw on their resources, influence and bring about lasting change. Gender Links Platform was established to support some of the most disempowered women and girls in Sierra Leone as they challenge the injustice of inequality.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support women and girls to achieve their full potential; to encourage, enable and facilitate their active involvement in business, employment, learning and community life in other to shape the present and the future.

Our Vision

Gender Links Platform Sierra Leone envisioned a Sierra Leone where all women have choiceand opportunity to live their lives in dignity, with equal access to economic and social opportunities and freedom from violence and discriminations


  • Over the years, the organization has established a focal-point at regional level
  • Benefited 40-beneficiaries in agricultural activities in Kafu-Bullum chiefdom in portloko district
  • Reached adolescent girls with SRH information. This activity enables girls to make an informed choice regarding their lives.
  • Undertake life- skills programmed in-school and communities, in other to enable adolescent girls and young women to take the lead role in preventing teenage pregnancies, early marriage and sexual Gender based Violence.